Adoption Application

You will be required to initial and sign a form at the time of the adoption. If you are under 18 years of age, a Parent/Guardian will have to sign the form as well.

Adoption fees are as follows:
Under 1 year of age $175.00
Over 1 year of age $150.00

Senior ferrets & Special Needs ferrets adoption fees are on a case by case basis. Sponsors are always needed to help with special needs and permanent shelter ferrets. If interested in being a sponsor, please e-mail me at Be it known, adoption fees are considered to be donations to pay for food, supplies, medical attention, shots and etc. while in our care. No profit is accrued from these fees and can not be refunded. All ferrets leaving the shelter, have been examined with a clean bill of health, up to date on shots and disease free. (Special Needs and Terminal ferrets excluded) In the event the adopted ferret(s) become ill due to natural cause or disease within 30 days of adoption, with confirmation by a qualified veterinarian(s) with ferret knowledge, that said illness is of natural occurrence and not from neglect, abuse, living conditions, inflicted injury, or other inhumane acts while in custody of new owners and their domain, a full refund will be given. (Please read over the form to be sure it is complete and accurate before submitting it.)